The Free PDG project helps Airmen prepare for the Air Force promotion test. It provides a complete, section by section, chapter by chapter, review of Air Force Handbook 1, the current reference for promotion testing. And yes, it's free for 30 days.
Good luck!
Ray Parker, MSgt (retired!)
Purpose: To get you promoted.
Method: The questions in the Section quizzes follow the order of the section. The Chapter review tests, at the bottom of each chapter page, include every section (and all questions) appropriate for the grade being tested for and presents them in random order.
Pre-Test: The 100-question practice tests under the Practice Test tab provide a realistic assessment of readiness for the big test. They draw from a pool of 4,500+ questions, include the sections and chapters appropriate for each grade, and present a different, random test on each use.
Paper Format: There is a paper/printed test option available for all quizzes, review tests, and pre-tests.
First Enlisted Pilots Since WWII
New for the 2021-2023 Edition
The site has been updated for the 2021-2023 promotion cycles based on the 2021 study guides. The new Air Force Handbook has not been issued. The 2019 AFH-1 content will be maintained for out-of-cycle testers. If you're not testing out-of-cycle, do not use last year's study material. There have been a lot of significant changes, additions, and deletions.
I want to thank everyone who used this website and especially those who took the time to write to let me know they got promoted. I sincerely appreciate the trust you placed in this site and am delighted that it was helpful to so many people. -Ray
Still the Best Way to Study for Promotion
Free PDG continues to be the most widely used method for studying for promotion.
★ 7-day, money-back guarantee
★ Trusted by Airmen for a decade
★ A history of accuracy and results
★ Available on-line, at work, or mobile
★ First to provide free content on-line
★ First to provide section by section review
★ Most intuitive and easy-to-use interface
TSgt Courtney, First Female Enlisted Pilot
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