Notes on AFH-1, 15 Feb 2025, Chapter 14, Developing Others

20 Feb 2025. The Air Force Study Guide website posted a new version of the Air Force Handbook, dated 15 February 2025. An exhaustive review revealed that there were significant changes throughout the handbook. The website will be updated to include these changes by 22 February at the latest. While changes are being made in the background, the site may still be used.

As far as chapter 14 is concerned, the following changes were made:

Section 14E (paragraphs 14.27 - 14.31.) was deleted.

The quiz for paragraph 14.19., Leadership Development, was edited to match the new content. Changed all instances of "three qualities" to "two qualities" because the new edition deleted the quality of Cultural Awareness but failed to change the number of qualities (see below). Also deleted one question related to Cultural Awareness.

Chapter 14 has been updated to match the new AFH-1 dated 15 Feb 2025. The total number of questions in the chapter test changed from 192 to 162 (29 questions in Section 14E and one question for paragraph 14.19. quiz were deleted). These questions were also removed from the 60- and 100-question pre-tests.

Section 14A, Teamwork

AFH-1 1 Nov 2024

14.1. Team Building

Creating trust among team members requires professional working relationships, professional behavior, and a desire to achieve established objectives. Dialogue and feedback must be exchanged between members in an open and sincere manner without fear of harsh criticism. Team members should respond to one another with inclusion, receptivity to inputs, and information sharing. It’s true... there’s honesty and then there’s brutal honesty. Feedback, critical thinking, and disagreements can be exchanged among team members without being brutally honest or offensive. Leaders can promote a trusting atmosphere by valuing individual differences and encouraging open and honest communication. Leaders empower their teams to solve problems innovatively through a shared sense of collaboration that is free of selfish goals and personal bias. Leaders should focus their efforts on setting the right tone for developing trusting relationships, communicating openly and honestly, knowing, and establishing a good rapport with team members, and discouraging cliques or divisions within the team. In other words, team leaders should set the example and lead by example.

AFH-1 15 Feb 2025

14.1. Team Building

Creating trust among team members requires professional working relationships, professional behavior, and a desire to achieve established objectives. Dialogue and feedback must be exchanged between members in an open and sincere manner without fear of harsh criticism. Team members should respond to one another with receptivity to inputs, and information sharing. It’s true... there’s honesty and then there’s brutal honesty. Feedback, critical thinking, and disagreements can be exchanged among team members without being brutally honest or offensive. Leaders can promote a trusting atmosphere by encouraging open and honest communication. Leaders empower their teams to solve problems innovatively through a shared sense of collaboration that is free of selfish goals. Leaders should focus their efforts on setting the right tone for developing trusting relationships, communicating openly and honestly, knowing, and establishing a good rapport with team members, and discouraging cliques or divisions within the team. In other words, team leaders should set the example and lead by example.

AFH-1 1 Nov 2024

14.1. Team Building

Communication. Teams must communicate. Team members need to safely assert themselves and share their ideas. Teams that don’t allow honest, open sharing quickly lose their effectiveness. As a result, some team members may purposely withhold vital information or disengage from the team. This may cause confusion, frustration, and the inability to complete tasks within teams. While sharing information between team members is essential in producing effective, well thought out plans, leaders must be willing to share information with team members. When leaders hold on to information, they can create an inaccurate, incomplete, or totally wrong picture of the expected outcome to team members. Information sharing yields better results. Leaders can increase team success by giving members complete access to all necessary data, discouraging the discounting of ideas and feelings, and encouraging the practice of active listening and valuing individual differences.

AFH-1 15 Feb 2025

14.1. Team Building

Communication. Teams must communicate. Team members need to safely assert themselves and share their ideas. Teams that don’t allow honest, open sharing quickly lose their effectiveness. As a result, some team members may purposely withhold vital information or disengage from the team. This may cause confusion, frustration, and the inability to complete tasks within teams. While sharing information between team members is essential in producing effective, well thought out plans, leaders must be willing to share information with team members. When leaders hold on to information, they can create an inaccurate, incomplete, or totally wrong picture of the expected outcome to team members. Information sharing yields better results. Leaders can increase team success by giving members complete access to all necessary data, discouraging the discounting of ideas and feelings, and encouraging the practice of active listening.

AFH-1 1 Nov 2024

14.1. Team Building

Cooperation. Cooperation is critical if teams are to combine diverse backgrounds, skills, and approaches to meet the challenges, customer requirements, and mission changes. Cooperation yields synergistic results and reduces the exerted effort it takes to reach a desired outcome. Leaders who encourage cooperation show team members that others have very important contributions to the goals of the team. Team members may also come to understand how dependent they are on one another in reaching mission objectives. Successful teams have few turf wars, little competitiveness, and an ability to forgive and forget. Cooperation breeds shared ownership for performance results, and achieving objectives increases team pride and team spirit. A sign that a team is not performing cohesively is when unhelpful competition exists among team members. This may be observed when some team members attempt to outshine others to gain extra attention or credibility. When a member of a team demonstrates “all-starring” behavior, they may be experiencing a power struggle. To reduce power-play behavior, leaders should reemphasize each team member’s specific roles and responsibilities, which eliminates potential barriers to cooperation.

AFH-1 15 Feb 2025

14.1. Team Building

Cooperation. Cooperation is critical if teams are to combine skills and approaches to meet the challenges, customer requirements, and mission changes. Cooperation yields synergistic results and reduces the exerted effort it takes to reach a desired outcome. Leaders who encourage cooperation show team members that others have very important contributions to the goals of the team. Team members may also come to understand how dependent they are on one another in reaching mission objectives. Successful teams have few turf wars, little competitiveness, and an ability to forgive and forget. Cooperation breeds shared ownership for performance results, and achieving objectives increases team pride and team spirit. A sign that a team is not performing cohesively is when unhelpful competition exists among team members. This may be observed when some team members attempt to outshine others to gain extra attention or credibility. When a member of a team demonstrates “all-starring” behavior, they may be experiencing a power struggle. To reduce power-play behavior, leaders should reemphasize each team member’s specific roles and responsibilities, which eliminates potential barriers to cooperation.

AFH-1 1 Nov 2024

14.4. Sources of Conflict

Personal Behavior Factors. Conflict can arise because of individual differences, such as goals and objectives, perceptions, values, and personalities. If we align our personal needs and values with the overall USAF mission, we will be more aptly willing to change, set aside self-interests, listen to the ideas of others, and reduce conflict. Although not always easy, striving to align personal values with USAF values can reduce conflict that arises based on differences that exist in the workplace. Differences can be perceived as threats, weaknesses, or stressors in the workplace. Focusing on diversity through strengths that contribute to the organization in different ways can help reduce criticism and avoid conflict. Addressing issues through a realistic or even positive perspective rather than being based on emotion will lead to fewer arguments and more professionally driven performance. Personality conflicts and differences among employees will always exist, but the way we respond to them does not have to be unprofessional or disruptive to the organization.

AFH-1 15 Feb 2025

14.4. Sources of Conflict

Personal Behavior Factors. Conflict can arise because of individual differences, such as goals and objectives, perceptions, values, and personalities. If we align our personal needs and values with the overall USAF mission, we will be more aptly willing to change, set aside self-interests, listen to the ideas of others, and reduce conflict. Although not always easy, striving to align personal values with USAF values can reduce conflict that arises based on differences that exist in the workplace.

Addressing issues through a realistic or even positive perspective rather than being based on emotion will lead to fewer arguments and more professionally driven performance. Personality conflicts and differences among employees will always exist, but the way we respond to them does not have to be unprofessional or disruptive to the organization.

Section 14B, Develops People

AFH-1 1 Nov 2024

14.6. Leadership Responsibility

"I believe we are all moldable clay, and leaders are grown, although it takes more than having the right character traits and personality to be grown into a leader."
General Charles Q. Brown, Jr.
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Leadership is often indicated by a person’s title or position of authority. But leadership is an ability we can all develop, cultivate, and expand upon. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines the word lead as, “to guide on a way especially by going in advance” or “to direct on a course or in a direction.” A military leader is considered to be, “a person who directs a military force or unit” or “one who has commanding authority or influence.” Leadership, as a moral quality put into action through a command or leadership role, can serve to move mountains…or move people over, around, or through mountains, whichever is required.

AFH-1 15 Feb 2025

14.6. Leadership Responsibility

Leadership is often indicated by a person’s title or position of authority. But leadership is an ability we can all develop, cultivate, and expand upon. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines the word lead as, “to guide on a way especially by going in advance” or “to direct on a course or in a direction.” A military leader is considered to be, “a person who directs a military force or unit” or “one who has commanding authority or influence.” Leadership, as a moral quality put into action through a command or leadership role, can serve to move mountains…or move people over, around, or through mountains, whichever is required.

Section 14D, Leadership

AFH-1 1 Nov 2024

14.19. Leadership Development

Leaders must effectively influence others, whether through expectation, delegation, or empowerment. Qualities that facilitate followership and ensure credibility and mutual respect with Airmen are also important. Three qualities that help leaders gain respect and credibility and have a positive influence on others are self-awareness, cultural awareness, and empathy.

Self-Awareness. Leaders must be fully aware of their own values, needs, and biases before counseling Airmen. Self-aware leaders are more likely to act consistently with their own values and actions and are less likely to project their own biases onto Airmen.

Cultural Awareness. Leaders need to be aware of the similarities and differences between individuals of different cultural backgrounds and how these factors may influence values, perspectives, and actions, especially if they generate concerns within the organization.

Empathy. Showing empathy is being understanding of and sensitive to another person’s feelings, thoughts, and experiences to the point that you can almost feel or experience them yourself. Leaders with empathy put themselves in another’s shoes and see a situation from their perspective. Understanding another’s position can help the development of a plan of action—one that works.

AFH-1 15 Feb 2025

14.19. Leadership Development

Leaders must effectively influence others, whether through expectation, delegation, or empowerment. Qualities that facilitate followership and ensure credibility and mutual respect with Airmen are also important. Three qualities that help leaders gain respect and credibility and have a positive influence on others are self-awareness and empathy.

Self-Awareness. Leaders must be fully aware of their own values and needs before counseling Airmen. Self-aware leaders are more likely to act consistently with their own values and actions and are less likely to project onto Airmen.

Empathy. Showing empathy is being understanding of and sensitive to another person’s feelings, thoughts, and experiences to the point that you can almost feel or experience them yourself. Leaders with empathy put themselves in another’s shoes and see a situation from their perspective. Understanding another’s position can help the development of a plan of action—one that works.

Section 14E, Fosters Inclusion


6 Dec 2024. A new edition of the Air Force Handbook, dated 1 November 2024, was posted on the Air Force's official website. A note beneath it states that study guides will not be issued for the 2025 E-5 and E-6 testing cycles. The Air Force Handbook will be the PFE source to study for promotion to E-5 and E-6.

The 2025 E-6 WAPS catalog (formerly referred to as EPRRC) states that only chapters 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, and 24 are testable. In addition, according to the ADTC in the new Air Force Handbook, all sections in these testable chapters are required for study. The 2025 E-5 WAPS catalog has not been issued yet and is expected to be available on 1 February 2025.